
I am grateful for people who didn’t write me off when I said something ignorant, naïve, or vapid.

I am grateful for the many musical organizations who accommodated me and my religious beliefs in my youth.

I am grateful for the people who reached out and included me when I was new.

I am grateful for friends who pointed out a difficult truth but broke my fall with love and respect.

I am grateful for the violin teacher who did not dismiss me when my family fell on hard times.

I am grateful for a mom whose life advice often centered around giving others the benefit of the doubt, but always ended with, “but you’re the one who was there”, thereby giving me the benefit of the doubt.

I am grateful for all the grown-ups who believed I was capable of leadership, responsibility, and excellence, even as a young person.

I am grateful for friends who offered admiration, not advice, when I was hanging on for dear life.

I am grateful for complete strangers who offered me encouragement, assistance, or a smile.

I am grateful for all the clerks, cashiers, and waitstaff who met my ineptitude, indecision, or incoherence with patience and kindness.

I am grateful for everyone who has ever shown me grace, mercy, kindness, generosity, patience, and understanding. I am grateful for everyone who has given me a second chance, overlooked my faults, or had faith in me despite my shortcomings.

“Deserving” is a concept I can’t really wrap my head around. It seems it can only apply to everyone or no one at all.

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